Wednesday, June 20, 2012


ADB - Asian Development Bank (23)
AfDB - African Development Bank (19)
CGIAR - Consortium of International Agricultural Research Centers (10)
CIAT - International Center for Tropical Agriculture (1)
CTBTO - Preparatory Commission for the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organisation (17)
CTED - Counter-Terrorism Committee Executive Directorate (1)
DESA - Department of Economic and Social Affairs (12)
DFS - Department of Field Support (1)
DGACM - Department for General Assembly and Conference Management (7)
DPA - Department of Political Affairs (8)
DPI - Department of Public Information (10)
DPKO - Department of Peacekeeping Operations (9)
DSS - Department of Safety and Security (5)
Department of Management (11)
EBRD - European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (3)
ECLAC - Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (7)
ECMWF - European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (2)
EIB - European Investment Bank (3)
EOSG - Executive Office of the Secretary-General (4)
ESCAP - Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (57)
ESCWA - Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (4)
FAO - Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (11)
IAEA - International Atomic Energy Agency (33)
ICC - International Criminal Court (7)
ICSC - International Civil Service Commission (2)
ICTR - International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (1)
ICTY - International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (3)
IDLO - International Development Law Organization (2)
IFC - International Finance Corporation (37)
IFES - International Foundation for Election Systems (1)
ILO - International Labour Organization (6)
ILRI - International Livestock Research Institute (4)
IMF - International Monetary Fund (20)
IMO - International Maritime Organization (3)
IOM - International Organization for Migration (13)
IPU - Inter-Parliamentary Union (1)
IRENA - International Renewable Energy Agency (1)
IRRI - International Rice Research Institute (9)
ITER Organization (1)
ITU - International Telecommunication Union (6)
OAJ - Office of Administration of Justice (2)
OCHA - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (16)
OCSS - Office of Central Support Services (2)
ODA - Office for Disarmament Affairs (5)
OECD - Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (11)
OHCHR - Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (12)
OICT - Office of Information and Communication Technology (3)
OIOS - Office of Internal Oversight Services (3)
OLA - Office of Legal Affairs (5)
OPCW - Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (2)
OPPBA - Office of Programme Planning, Budget and Accounts (2)
OSCE - Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (16)
PAHO - Pan American Health Organization (11)
Reliefweb - Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (4)
STL - Special Tribunal for Lebanon (13)
UN Women - United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women (21)
UN-HABITAT - United Nations Human Settlements Programme (8)
UNAIDS - Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (1)
UNCCD - United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (2)
UNCRD - United Nations Centre for Regional Development (1)
UNCTAD - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (6)
UNDP - United Nations Development Programme (127)
UNECA - Economic Commission for Africa (7)
UNECE - Economic Commission for Europe (5)
UNEP - United Nations Environment Programme (17)
UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2)
UNFCCC - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (3)
UNFPA - United Nations Population Fund (13)
UNHCR - United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (14)
UNICEF - United Nations Children's Fund (22)
UNITAR - United Nations Institute for Training and Research (3)
UNJSPF - United Nations Joint Staff Pension Fund (4)
UNODC - Office on Drugs and Crime (16)
UNOG - United Nations Office at Geneva (4)
UNON - United Nations Office at Nairobi (7)
UNOPS - United Nations Office for Project Services (48)
UNOV - United Nations Office at Vienna (1)
UNRWA - United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (6)
UNSSC - United Nations System Staff College (1)
UNU - United Nations University (1)
UNV - United Nations Volunteers (2)
UNV Online Volunteering service (82)
WFP - World Food Programme (7)
WHO - World Health Organization (75)
WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization (3)
WTO - World Trade Organization (2)
WWF - the Global Conservation Organization (2)
World Bank (42)
World Resources Institute (25)
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) (2)

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